Tuesday, December 31, 2013


There's a lot going on around here.  We've moved in, mostly.  The electricity has been turned on and the hole for the septic tank has been dug.  We even started building a deck to get my piano in the house! Things are starting to move along at a nice pace.

Last night Mr. Homesteader and I loaded up the trailer with stuff from the storage unit and unpacked it. It was 8:30 when we got home from a long day at church.  C and J hadn't eaten and O needed to nurse.  We walked in to a cold house and realized that the power had been out all day.  As we ate leftover fast food in our cold, dark house,  I looked across my new, already crowded living room and wondered how all the furniture and boxes of clothes would ever fit. Well it did fit, stacked nearly to the ceiling with a narrow walk way from the front door to the kitchen.

I don't know about you, but when my space is cluttered I just want to shut down, leave the area and not deal with it.  I mentioned this to Mr. Homesteader this morning, he suggested calling Gamma and KK to come help.  I did and boy was I glad I did!  Gamma encouraged me to just focus on the basics so I did. I moved the a dresser and unpacked a wall full of boxes and swept the mountain of dirt that gets tracked in when your front yard is mud.

They came over later in the afternoon. And while it took me all day to clear one wall, they had the living room rearranged and set up in the time before I finished feeding O. Then we organized the stuff on the dining table so we could eat dinner at a table and not on a tool box in the living room.  Pawpaw showed up later with dinner and helped set up the boys' room.  I had gone from overwhelming stress of living in a storage unit of a house to a home with a living room, dining room, and the boys' bed room set up.

We still need to put flooring down and paint and put decor but the living isn't a mish mash of boxes and an upside down coffee table.

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